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Customer Service

Shipping & Delivery
Shipment of orders is done by courier DOOR - DOOR ELTA unless you wish otherwise, so you must arrange with us.
For orders over € 120,00 transport costs are free throughout Greece.Certainly orders depending on the weight and volume sent to departments of Greek Postal service. For orders less than € 120,00 transport costs vary throughout Greece (including the cost COD).

Privacy & Security
HAC EShop supports the right to privacy, including the rights of individuals to control the dissemination and use of personal data that describes them, their personal choices, or life experiences. HAC EShop is committed to protecting Personal Data of the users of our EShop. HAC EShop supports domestic and international laws and regulations that seek to protect the privacy rights of such individuals.Personal Data means any information about an identifiable individual. It includes, without limitation, information relating to identity, gender, address, telephone number, e-mail address and date of birth.This Policy statement outlines our principles with respect to Personal Data collected, processed and used via our EShop.

Returns & Replacements
Returns Due to the nature of online shopping is often the case not covered by the expectations of the final recipient from the product of choice because of the lack of physical contact with the substance to market species.
Supporting e-commerce enables you through the fullness of the descriptions of which display its pages, to enjoy the privilege of direct contact with the products available on the screen of your computer, quickly and easily.
But wanting to meet more of our customers, in order to highlight the benefits of using the Internet in our everyday purchases, we offer the possibility of product return.

Below we present the conditions and ways to return non-defective products:

  • The date of receipt of your order to the date of application for reimbursement not to exceed 10 calendar days.
  • The packaging is not compromised and is in its initial (factory) state.

Return Procedures

If you are near the physical store
In this case you can visit the shop and, after the condition of the product by the competent official control, to guide himself further.
If you receive via courier

  1. Pack the product in a larger box so that it is protected during shipment.
  2. Place inside the package that you create a document which we cite the way in which you want to resolve the outstanding economic, when the product appears likely to return.
  3. Send the parcel through the courier agency from which you received your order Returns Department account. Please note that return costs are charged to the customer.

We would like to point out that if the product does not meet the above requirements will be returned to sender with the same charge.
The Customer Service Department is always willing to help.

Placing Orders
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi luctus. Duis lobortis. Nulla nec velit. Mauris pulvinar erat non massa. Suspendisse tortor turpis, porta nec, tempus vitae, iaculis semper, pede. Cras vel libero id lectus rhoncus porta. Suspendisse convallis felis ac enim. Vivamus tortor nisl, lobortis in, faucibus et, tempus at, dui. Nunc risus. Proin scelerisque augue. Nam ullamcorper. Phasellus id massa. Pellentesque nisl. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc augue. Aenean sed justo non leo vehicula laoreet. Praesent ipsum libero, auctor ac, tempus nec, tempor nec, justo.

Payment methods

PayPal / Credit card
The registration of the details of the card, the confirmation, the commitment amount and final costs are in a secure environment (SSL) of the PayPal network. The HAC EShop in no way knows and does not handle your card. Additional shipping costs, charged to the respective end Paypal management.
NOTE: For your best shopping experience and accurate shipping charges, you must have an account in order to checkout.

Receipt from the store
You can pay your purchases in the store cashier. Not charged with shipping costs.

Pay by Cash
You can pay your purchases in the official courier company to deliver your products. Additional shipping costs, charged by each end on delivery.

Bank deposit
In your submission you should report justified by the necessary number of your Order and optionally your name.

Viewing Orders
To view the status of any order or to view open, past or pending Orders, please visit the My Account section of this website. You can see the My Account link at the top right of any page. You can see your order status by selecting "Order History" or "Invoice History" on the left navigation and search for the order in question. You will see a column titled "Order Status".

Products Guarantee
All customers of HAC EShop benefit from the manufacturer's warranty for products supplied in our shop
Defects or defects due to misuse or manipulation of goods and wear generated by normal use of the product are not included in this guarantee.
Any reduction in the operation of the product, due to the limitation of its design, is also excluded from the warranty.
The Customer Service Department is always willing to help.


Our Mission

Since the founding of the Hellenic Arms Company the purpose was one. Importing and distributing the most advanced equipment in the world!


Our Values

Top of our core values is to offer high end services but also products. One of the basics is our unprecedented professionalism in our customers satisfaction!


Our Contribution

We believe that our company (given the testimonies of our customers) is a key point for introducing to the Greek market, Glock Ges.m.b.H, 5.11 Tactical, Aimpoint AB, Eagle Industries, and these are only some of the companies, who are worldwide pioneers in their field and changed the perspective of the Greek market...